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S17.02 Chronology

Great to make a show again! And … to welcome so many different artists! After twenty years of Spacemusic, nothing seems to have changed in this respect; the flow of musical energy does a person good and will also inspire many in this new decade. A small look back at the past, mixed with music from today.

For example, you hear a 30-year-old release, re-released, that really came to life after throwing a party in 1994, in a room full of stoned people who were tripping on ‘Atmospherics’, the unforgettable album by James Bernard. I’m not exaggerating if it triggered my ‘ambient’ existence at the time.

Show 17.02 features: James Bernard, James Bright, Lasse Tapio Junnila, Memory Scale, Afterlife, Jacek Doroszenko, KapTep, Brannan Lane, Orghanon, Metric System 1981, Kalte, Brian Mulder.



0:00:00 – Welcome to Spacemusic 17.02
0:05:39 – Euph – JAMES BERNARD
0:14:30 – Pieces – JAMES BRIGHT
0:17:10 – Hands – LASSE TAPIO JUNNILA
0:22:45 – Syntropy – MEMORY SCALE
0:26:00 – Afternoon’s Echoes – MEMORY SCALE
0:30:21 – Quiet Music – AFTERLIFE
0:34:22 – Drive West on Sunset – AFTERLIFE
0:38:28 – Iris – JAMES BRIGHT
0:42:23 – Get the Perfect Mental Surface – JACEK DOROSZENKO ft EWA
0:47:38 – Music for Migraines (Part 2) – KAPTEP & BRENNAN LANE
0:50:08 – The Molecule of Everyday Life – JACEK DOROSZENKO ft EWA
0:54:25 – Nous – ORGHANON
1:00:36 – Bright, Dark – METRIC SYSTEM 1981
1:01:36 – Stochastic Resonance – KALTE
1:06:20 – Doomstroll / Break-through – BRIAN MULDER
1:09:36 – Phosphorous – JAMES BERNARD



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// AZ

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Sessions I. Believe and Achieve

Here you can relax, meditate and recharge yourself; dare to dream too, because dreams are a visualization of your wishes. What do you wish? What do you believe in? What do you want to achieve? And what if I told you that if you believe in what you want to achieve, you can?! Much more useful than thinking about all the things that can go wrong. Or what you can’t do. Because if you’re in it like that, it won’t work either. So if you don’t feel completely okay sometimes, turn it around, believe, dream, visualize. You are loved. The universe will connect and serve. Try it! Don’t hold back.

Music in this show is performed by / comes from the following albums:

Arquitectura Natural – LAB’S CLOUD
Ambient Cat Remixes, vol.1 – VARIOUS ARTISTS
Abstraction – PIETRO ZOLLO
A Quiet Place – METRIC SYSTEM 1981

Click the links and find the releases, thanks for supporting the artists and Ambient Zone!

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Hosting, bills, design, support

Hello everyone. How’s things going?

In CY all is good. Having a wonderful time designing the new shows for this Season. Doing some final polishing for Sessions episodes, you’ll love it!

In the Zone, it’s that time of the year again  Bills, bills, bills. Podcasting is not for free, files need to be stored safely and 100% accessible throughout the years for our listeners. Everything you listen to, Spacemusic podcasts, Sessions podcasts, Scanner, The Lab, comes from our podcast server: a fast and reliable hosting service is essential.

For our members portal, the yearly contribution will be paid today so that all Seasons 10-11-12-13-14-15-16 and 17 can be accessed from the Member’s HUB,  a dedicated members platform tool. Thanks to our members this portal can stay up and running. Needless to say, an extra amount always comes in very handy!!

.. Oh and pssshhhh.. Spacemusic 20 Years!!

Yes. This year the podcast is out there since 2005.   Unbelievable!!  Your and my favourite music station online for 2 decades  —>   Join in today! https://ambient.zone/donate

Check a one time donation or monthly support, if you can inject the station from this Ko-Fi page with some bits and bytes that’d be super cool! Let’s keep our wonderful Ambient Zone and ‘Spacemusic’ up HIGH in the air!!

Thank You.


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S17.01 Tree of Life

We’re gliding into this new Season 17 …. With a velvety soft transition, a bath full of good, not only to seduce you but also to show you that this year is a year in which anything is possible!

This time no bombastic start because it would be less appropriate; violence and excessive events in abundance on this planet. I have chosen peace. And let us continue to build on the basis of our good relationship, good taste, desire for positivity and inspiration that we eat from the ‘Tree of Life‘; with the emphasis on a spiritual approach that will do us good. The theme is therefore: with only a hunger for knowledge, humanity will not make it. The balance between knowledge and the spiritual is what enriches and makes us strong, what we need so much now.

So relax, on SPACE mode, listen and enjoy: Afterlife, Christian Alsemgeest, Winter Silhouette, Metric System 1981, KapTep, Hollan Holmes, Halcyon Hall, Sinius, Ulrich Schnauss, Steve Roach, Thomas Lemmer, Andreas Bach, Fingers in the Noise, Pietro Zollo, City of Dawn, Ross Christopher, Lab’s Cloud.

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A New Season

Photo: Protaras region / Cyprus, Jan. 3rd 2025

Nice opportunity to meditate on the New Year and what we have accomplished in the past year; real new twists start with an idea, a vision. If you further fill in and visualize the ideas, you start living them : it gets energy back from the Universe, making things possible and you’re ready for your next step.

With Ambient Zone I am happy that you listen and are part of my ambient existence. The music, the musicians, the labels, the listeners, all who believe in this and support Ambient Zone and Spacemusic podcasts: none of this would have been possible without you! But you did it : you followed, posted comments, liked it, a lot ❤️ The road to more Ambient Zone content starts there.

In peace I sit here on the coast, in Cyprus. The sea always tells the truth. Something I cherish, both the sea and that truth. I recharge the battery at the beginning of this brand New Year and think about all the beautiful things we can do and make happen.

Some people hang their heads to details, to old things, to statements that do not match fresh new trends. The final Oliebollenshow echoing their brains, and what it means. Well, it means that time moves forward! Too bad not everyone sees what the truly creative nature of a show entails. Habits are not called habits for nothing. They are known as in: predictable, not necessarily creative, not after 20 yrs. In a creative and musical context new twists are essential and a source of inspiration and strength. For both the Creator ánd Listener!

So breathe in… draw in that air, absorb new ideas, feel the energy that makes everything flow in 2025. That is, in my opinion, the meaning of life and the core of the Ambient Zone. New podcasts will be coming, in familiar quality, in innovative style with a view to the future – and as space and ambient as possible!

I wish you a warm & very ambient year! Where love and our way back within can save humanity and propel it forward inimitably✨


Creator & Host // Ambient Zone

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S16.12 Oliebollenshow 2024

What a year we have had! A wonderful moment to stand there for a moment, to remember, to save and then soon …. to start the new year with a bang with oliebollen and really good music! In this Oliebollenshow 2024 you will hear the best and the loudest that I can offer you, hahaha!

In this podcast you will hear music from none other than Eskostatic, Clocolan, David Helpling, Ancient Astronaut, Kiphi, Loscil, Lab’s Cloud, C-Jay, Sinius, Lars Leonhard, Dreamstate Logic, Evolve, Xerxes, Phoenix, Hollan Holmes, Enrico Coniglio, Anna B. May, State Azure, Thomas Lemmer, Tauon.

In addition to music, we hear audio comments from various people; musicians, labels, listeners. It was really cool to receive this. If your comment was too late for the production of the show, unfortunately. But know that I did hear it! Thanks everyone!

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Sessions // Christmas Carol 2024

We made it …! Just in time for Christmas! Set in with this show, relax and be pampered with wonderful sounds of new and earlier releases, specially sorted out for you to make this Christmas a nice listening experience. A podcast where music and magic come together; Choose the regular show and you have my words & music, choose the nonstop edition (all Patrons & Members) and stay miles far from the earth’s surface, without anyone interrupting you.

Music comes from the following albums:

Burn the World quietly – LPF12
Moonlit Reverie (remixes) – THOMAS LEMMER
Scrapbook – DIONISAF
Above the Clouds – SPACECRAFT
Beyond the Sleepy Hills – RUDY ADRIAN
Reflections – LAROTH

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Hit that button!

The end of the year show is coming … wanna join? Share some news or just say ‘hello’… Let’s come together and have a good time. Your voice will be heard in the final Spacemusic podcast of this year on New Year’s Eve!!

Keep it simple, just your voice, no music. Use your smartphone, computer microphone, or any audio recorder you can find , in any audio format you want.

Then send the audio file to SPACEMUSIC.NL@GMAIL.COM

Do this before December 28th.



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December Shows

DECEMBER SHOWS — Hey there! Here’s a message sent to to all my Patrons, Members … and to anyone who reads it on the public / social pages. Are you looking forward to great content this month? Would you like to get your electronic music treat that makes you feel WOW? Stay tuned then!

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Where are you listening?…

⚠️  If you read this and you’re listening to the show …. tell a bit more about WHERE you’re listening? And what device you play the show on? Are you traveling, at home, at work? Share your location and listening method  – so we get more of an insight listening experience.  That’d be great! THANKS!

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