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Shows this Summer


Hi there! Hope all you guys are doing well and enjoying Summer 🙂

Here’s an update about the podcast, about my travels abroad. I am now very close to dismantling the entire studio, all equipment will be packed and of course all accessories and cabling too. That will be a fun job to build up again on hot Cyprus ….

I can hear you thinking! What is he getting himself into?! To that crazy hot Cyprus? Seriously? … Well, to be honest I share that thought a bit. What on earth am I getting myself into! But don’t forget: this choice is not so much made because I want to, it is largely based on the fact that I have to leave my country if I want to live on my own again: the Netherlands does not offer this possibility (anymore). The country is full, the housing market as discussed earlier is completely ruined. Peace or space for entrepreneurship is under enormous pressure and therefore as a creative person you have to take steps and not wait. So you start doing things to get some air.

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Sessions // John Reidar Holmes

Made in Sweden : this is the Modular World of John Reidar Holmes. Moody and dream-like ambient music we have played earlier on the Spacemusic podcast … but not in a nonstop flow like this! Hit -play- and let it all happen.

Coming from his latest album “Lost in Some Stream of Time” and other works, you will be amazed at how this artist completely transforms his electric guitar into a unique sonic experience and how he combines layers of textures, FX and tongue drum.

Powered by his modular system John knows how to grab you and draw you into a fascinating world of sound and melody. Interesting, geeky, with a healthy dose of ambient and cinematic atmosphere.  Sit quietly for this – as you have come to expect with Sessions – and listen from start to finish.

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“Heart Beats” on YouTube

Enjoy the podcast on YouTube!

Ft. Demetrio Cecchitelli, Planet Boelex, State Azure, Christian Alsemgeest, Lab’s Cloud, Dark Sky Alliance, Philippe Deschamps, FloatSpace, Lars Leonhard, Kalte, Tauon, One Of Them, Pietro Zollo.


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S16.07 Heart Beats

Show no.7 in Season 16 – this is your Ambient/Electronic station calling! Let everything fall out of your hands and listen for an hour to the best music I have collected for you, from super cool beats to atmospheric ambient music, you can indulge yourself again.  … While having a CODE ORANGE during the recording of the podcast and pretty high temperatures in the studio, the mix has become a magical one!

Featuring: Demetrio Cecchitelli, Planet Boelex, State Azure, Christian Alsemgeest, Lab’s Cloud, Dark Sky Alliance, Philippe Deschamps, FloatSpace, Lars Leonhard, Kalte, Tauon, One Of Them, Pietro Zollo.

YouTube Edition:

Thank you very much for supporting the show, especially now that new times are dawning. A new destination. Quite a journey but .. it will be worth it! Thanks for your support and for continuing to listen!

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Sessions // Iluiteq

Special Vinyl edition of the Sessions podcast … you won’t believe your ears! Wonderful music from Italy this time as we welcome Sergio Calzone, Andrea Bellucci and Lorenzo Montanà. Top quality Ambient music that you will never forget. I will be playing tracks from 2 LP’s that really stand out in vinyl land.

In Holland: temperatures have been high, sunshine intense, the studio has seen over 31C. Your patience will be rewarded: let’s have a walk into the Wilderness and share these moments together…

⭐️ Soundscapes by FloatSpace / various sources
⭐️ Music performed by Iluiteq, Lorenzo Montanà

From the album “The Loss of Wilderness

-A Sylvan Elegy
-The Remains of a Fragile Landscape
-Glacier Ice Falling into the Sea

From the album “Katà Métron


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S16.06 Cosmic Forces

Coming together … Cosmic Forces …

This new trip is a true sensation: various styles, various flavors, something for everyone! Acoustic, synthetic, organic and the modular world: all are represented and make this journey an unforgettable one! Grooves and beautiful melodies that will linger in the head and heart for a long time: where forces join, where we get our strength from, dealing with everything and everyone around us. Do you feel the change that is happening? Change brings life!

Ft. Pietro Zollo, Cosmic Cadence, Off Land, Planet Boelex, Lightshifters, Lorenzo Montaná, Dark Sky Alliance, Rudy Adrian, J.R. Holmes, C.S. Pabst, Philippe Deschamps, Bruno Sanfilippo.

Musically framed with new releases and albums that have yet to be released: thanks to our artists, this collection was created, full of magic, power and tone, performed in a seamless mix. Enjoy!

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:) Music that changes everything!

Coming together… “Cosmic Forces”  – The new Spacemusic podcast arrives tomorrow. JUNE 14 and is a spectacular trip into space, chillout, soundtrack, electronic entertainment! Artists that join us: Rudy Adrian, Dark Sky Alliance, Philippe Deschamps, Lorenzo Montaná, John Reidar Holmes and many more!!!

Available through Apple podcasts, Ambient Zone, YouTube and my Patreon page.

Check it out!!!


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Sessions // Spacecraft

Time for your trip to SPACE … step in please!  In this episode we visit Rishi Bhatia a.k.a. Spacecraft ; music from the Mumbai based musician/producer that we already know a little from the Spacemusic podcast, this time during a 40 minutes long nonstop® mix of soundscapes & music to enjoy!

Music comes from the latest 2024 Spacecraft release ‘Moments of Solitute’ as well as previous albums. Check out the links to Spacecraft’s bandcamp page, support this artist and let us know what you think! Have a nice flight!

⭐️ Soundscapes come from various sources found in many locations.
⭐️ Music performed by Spacecraft and comes from the albums:

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‘Above Sea Level’ now on YouTube

Latest Spacemusic podcast 16.05 ‘Above Sea Level’ is also available on YouTube! You’ll find yourself in SPACE instantly. How cool is that? Click the link to launch … Hit LIKE and leave some comment under the video: it really helps my channel !!!

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