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MIX: Blink


The beauty of surroundings, walking, driving, gliding through time. It’s those special moments in the blink of an eye that can last forever. Call it a snapshot, call it a still image. Ingredients are being hard copied to the central nervous system. This is the soundtrack to such moments; music that lasts forever and capable of bending your surroundings to a special something, for your eyes only. Please play, share and enjoy “Blink” everywhere!  (this mix has been recorded / mixed by TC using one ear only / in a state of sinusitis)

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MIX: Nachtzicht


Photo: Nachtzicht in Rotterdam

Sometimes during winter, it’s like the nights last longer than the days … this mix is the perfect soundtrack to that. Sounds excellent in your livingroom, bedroom, headphones or BIG HiFi set. Tracks by AES Dana, BT, Hollan Holmes, Shane Morris & Mystified and many more. “Nachzicht” refers to any visual contact you might experience during the night. ENJOY! // TC

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MIX: To Tranquility


Photo: Hidden places in the City

In the middle of december…. ambient music as it should be…. Take a break for at least an hour, withdraw from the crowd, sit back and relax. Stop time if you can? The only thing you need is the Air you breathe, this Non-stop® mix and an open mind. The mix starts off with wide atmospheres, drives up the tempo and ingredients, gets more intense, deeper, and offers very much positive energy throughout the event.

Breathe in…. feel the energy…
Do something amazing today!

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Music Submission

Ambient, Electronic, Spacemusic, Chillout, Downtempo, Lounge, Experimental, Minimal, Soundtrack, Meditation, Landscape…

Musicians, producers, labels and other creative people: you can submit your music to the Ambient.Zone!

Just select the files you’d like to let us hear for possible Airplay. Be sure to use services like WeTransfer or any other online file sharing service. Don’t be alarmed if you do not hear back from us directly after you’ve submitted your music. We’re probably busy listening tracks!

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MIX: Hall of Ambient

Hall of Ambient

Photo: Markthal – Rotterdam, NL.

Sometimes you can feel small in a big room, as if the room was created for bigger things; Sometimes you can feel big in a small room, as if the room was not created for big things…  Now, imagine a place where everything goes well together; where small things can become bigger and the big things can change to smaller sizes … a Place where size doesn’t matter anymore, where it’s all about perception, possibilities without boundaries. Are you following…? 😉 Enjoy the Hall of Ambient: carefully selected ambient tracks that create an atmosphere without any size or weight, suitable for many occasions. Just hit PLAY.

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about your host… TC

Known as the host of the Spacemusic podcast (10 YEARS!) and creative Ambient/Electronic DJ, let’s offer you a glimpse of the man that has introduced many of us to amazing electronic music:

Born in the 70’s, raised by the best mom and dad in the world, TC grew up in a small town called Zuid-Beijerland in the South of Holland, 25 kms from Rotterdam. When he was 7 years old he heard this tape from his fellow next door by the French guy Jean-Michel Jarre. The album “Oxygene” actually changed his life, even at such a young age. As a teenager TC used to think and dream a lot of music, electronic music in particular.

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the Magic that is called: Ambient


Having a chat with someone, working your way through paperwork or administrations, decorating your house just before Christmas, meeting friends in a bar, shopping in the Mall looking for specific clothes….. You can think of many situations where music could be present in the background, via a public audio system or the streaming service you listen to at home. Suddenly you realize you hear this tune… and it’s great!

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