Shows this Summer
Hi there! Hope all you guys are doing well and enjoying Summer 🙂
Here’s an update about the podcast, about my travels abroad. I am now very close to dismantling the entire studio, all equipment will be packed and of course all accessories and cabling too. That will be a fun job to build up again on hot Cyprus ….
I can hear you thinking! What is he getting himself into?! To that crazy hot Cyprus? Seriously? … Well, to be honest I share that thought a bit. What on earth am I getting myself into! But don’t forget: this choice is not so much made because I want to, it is largely based on the fact that I have to leave my country if I want to live on my own again: the Netherlands does not offer this possibility (anymore). The country is full, the housing market as discussed earlier is completely ruined. Peace or space for entrepreneurship is under enormous pressure and therefore as a creative person you have to take steps and not wait. So you start doing things to get some air.
I know my way around. I get the chance to live there through a good friend, to create opportunities for the future from there. For the time being the destination is Cyprus. I have thrown away my crystal ball, I stop planning and see what everything will bring me. A different approach.
In the meantime – while I’m packing and moving stuff – you can all keep listening to the podcast! Because I’m going to make sure they’re there monthly, both Spacemusic and Sessions.
I will speak to you again in October/November, as soon as things are a bit back in order. Of course you can follow me on social media, although I will keep it very quiet on those platforms. Don’t worry: no news is good news. I have to think about a lot of things and arrange a lot of things, so the priorities are focused on coming across well, for both myself and my pets.